I was reading an old Martha Stewart and came across a recipe for tomato tart. Martha's recipe was full of great tips...and like her magazine, full of things I did not have readily available to me. Not only that, but her recipes are rarely Sueann Friendly. So I take it upon myself to take her ideas and make them my own. Take Tomato Tarts! I do not have all those great heirloom variety tomatoes, or an enormous tart pan the size of a bike wheel. But I do have a cute tart pan and some garden tomatoes! So here we go ladies and gents, a Sueann Friendly Tomato Tart!

Recipe: Pie crust (sueann friendly recipe coming soon!)
Two medium tomatoes sliced evenly.
Chopped up basil, pinch salt and pepper
Put this all together! BUT to make it even better, add cheese to the botom of the crust BEFORE you put tomatoes in it. This will keep the crust grom getting soggy. For a sueann frienndly version, use oven roasted garlic cloves and mash this into the bottom of the crust.
Bake 355 degrees for 30-40 minutes.