I saw V for Vendetta. I liked the movie so much I saw it twice at the theater. Evening show. Both times. Total $15. I liked it that much. Besides the applicable warning in the move about governments freaking us out over nothing and taking complete control of our lives - I liked the (Spoiler ahead)
cooking scene in the movie. When V is making breakfast for Evey. He made this Egg in Toast thing that my Dad calls flying saucer. V used real butter to fry this - something not SueannFriendly. However, I was craving this thing! Not only will I be a watchdog of our government but I will eat that egg toast thing for breakfast everyday! Here's the SueannFriendly version:
Sliced Sueann Friendly bread - found some "Old Fashion Farm" Bread at Safeway. Made with flour and chemicals - non of which were soy derived.
Cut hole out of bread.
In pan get bacon fat, or Sueann Friendly oil nice a hot. Throw bread in, crack egg in hole - fry. Fry until it is crispy brown and artery ripe! I flipped mine for extra fat intake! If you use bacon fat you get this amazing crunch and texture with a slight meaty flavor!
People should not be afraid of their government; Government should be afraid of their people.
Forgot to mention that you should fry the left over bread hole too! Waste not want not!
I am your #1 blog fan now ....
This is also my favorite breakfast, sometimes lunch. I use pan spray and add to the top 1 slice of ham and some fat free cheese and let it melt. So good! We called it egg in a hole or frog in a hole growing up.
Cliff loved V for Vendetta also.
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