In my early twenties, the only thing I KNEW I was allergic to were cats. But that didn't stop me from getting 2 of them. I kept the allergens down by bathing them regularly. Sure my nose was always runny but that was a small price to pay! My Allergist advised me to give up the cats. But I couldn't. Today, my cats live in our sunny basement. After they pissed on our brand new couch, their fate was sealed. Don't worry, they have a posh life! What's funny is that the boy cat, Limpy, the one not looking into the camera, has food allergies.
Since I have been controlling my food allergies, my tolerance to my cats is very good. My skin doesn't hive when they lick me, my nose runs a little but not nearly as much as before and I don't sneeze as much. They still get bathed, we vacuum often and brush them.
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