I am half Korean and grew up eating delicious Korean foods. The main ingredient of which is soy sauce, the nectar of my ancestors. It was very frustrating to me to avoid soy sauce. In fact, I didn't believe the signs my body was giving me for a long time. I was in denial. The hardest part about this allergy is that soy is in EVERYTHING! 99% of processed foods have hydrolyzed (hydrogenated) soybean oil, soy flour (WHY??) or shortening, most of which is made with soy. Chicken in a Bisquit-out. Tim's Cascade Chips-out. Sliced bread-out. Starbursts-out! See why I was in denial? I love food so much this was the hugest breakup ever! It was hard because here I was, willing to give all these foods my attention and appreciation, only to be rejected. Thank goodness for those Brits and Aussies! Vegemite and Marmite to the alternative rescue!

Here is my recipe for a soy sauce alternative. Please keep in mind that nothing is as good as the original. This has a slight sweet flavor so add lots of salt to make it soy sauce sodium super!

1Tbs. Marmite or Vegemite
1Tbs. Molasses
1/2Tbs. Fish Sauce
1/3 or 1/4C Water
Salt, Salt, Salt! Wisk together into a sauce.

The smiley face on the can kills me, Sueann. I'm excited to read about what foods remind you of people! Love the blog! Nikki
you will be a lemon chicken recipe! many memories with that one!
I am so glad to see that the molasses worked out in the recipe, Missy! Great blog. G
This might be slightly off topic, but I heart Marmite!
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